Game 1
(12-6-0) L1
| 79 |
The Blue Chips
(13-7-0) L1 «
| 86.5 |
The Blue Chips leads overall, 4-0-0 |
The Blue Chips has won 4 straight in the overall series |
The Blue Chips has outscored Away,
358.1-280.7 overall |
The Blue Chips leads regular season series, 3-0-0 |
The Blue Chips has won 3 straight in the regular season series |
The Blue Chips has outscored Away,
271.6-201.7 in the regular season |
The Blue Chips leads postseason series, 1-0-0 |
The Blue Chips has won 1 straight postseason meetings |
The Blue Chips has outscored Away,
86.5-79 in the postseason |
Previous Matchups
Season | Week | Result | Score |
2008 | 9 | The Blue Chips def. Away | 51.7 - 45 | 2009 | 9 | The Blue Chips def. Away | 98.1 - 70.2 | 2010 | 4 | The Blue Chips def. Away | 121.8 - 86.5 | |